When we thought Cara Delevingne has talent in near all areas, we didn’t think lip syncing will be one of them. Released yesterday, LOVE MAGAZINE created a video of Delevingne mouthing the words to Control Myself by JLO & LL Cool J, topped with wacky hair and Kawaii inspired looks, and a hundreds of flying saucers. Styled by the one and only founder of LOVE magazine, Katie Grande, the video is fun, cute, and shows Delevingnes crazy personality through-out. This isn’t the first time Cara has been given the mic. LOVE also released a video back in May of her lip-syncing to ‘That Don’t Impress Me Much’ By Shania Twain. Question is what will be her next hit?
And now for your morning pick-me-up: @Caradelevingne singing karakoke for @THELOVEMAGAZINE: http://t.co/jfWGmuAewA pic.twitter.com/MNMGOGLzHm
— Fashionista.com (@Fashionista_com) July 15, 2014
WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxaGWXdKMGY