1. What are your favorites for doing something your audience cares about?
Recently I noticed that my audience loves fashion outfits such as nice dresses or
ripped jeans paired with stunning designer high heels. They also look forward to
posts about travel, health, body and beauty. I always try to keep my theme
“positive vibes” and I really hope to submit that feeling towards people.
2. If you get a chance to describe yourself in three words, what would it be?
Honest, loving and caring.
3. What do you think is your greatest strength as a model?
Even though I look like a certain type of woman, my face can look very different
with different styling and make up. I can look so different that you won't even
recognize me anymore, so I can be very changeable.
4. Could you tell us about your daily routine?
My day starts early in the morning. While I am still in bed I start doing a few
exercises for my belly and waist. I also work part-time at an office which is my
regular job. After work I like cooking a fresh, delicious healthy meal. Recently I
have opted out on eating out as I want to know what I am eating and want to
have full control over that. Then I spend my time on my modelling projects, on
social media co-operations and networking. I spend my weekends with friends
and family as much as I can.
5. When and how did you start in the fashion industry?
If I remember right, I was about 20 years old when a fashion photographer,
Markus Jerko in Vienna, took my first photoshoot. He was very delighted by our
shooting results and he advised me to do more photoshoots with other
photographers too. Initially I got into the industry. Back then there was no
Instagram, no Facebook – there was hardly any Photoshop editing. I did my first
shoots in the studio with a camera where they had to develop the photos in a
darkroom. No going backwards and deleting the bad ones out. You had a few
shots and every pose had to be exactly on point in that moment or the photo was
ruined and had to be redone.
6. How do you define your style?
My style mostly depends on my mood. Most of the time I like to wear denim jeans
and a nice top or shirt, as you can see on my Instagram. When I want to feel
extra special or glam, I put on some nice heels and a beautiful dress. I love
accessories to upgrade an outfit or to have a staple piece in my look. My
wardrobe is mainly black, white, blue, nude, gold and silver color-themed. Those
are my go-to colors that I think combined in the right way, fits almost every
7. Who is your favorite designer and why?
Clothing wise regarding a certain designer, I own the most of Versace because,
as I said before, I am a lot into black and gold and Versace always brings out
elegantly in their style. For everyday clothes, I like to shop at Zara, H&M, Asos,
Missguided and Naked Wardrobe most of the time.
For shoes it would be Christian Louboutin. I already own a few pairs that I always
save up for, or I get them for my birthday or Christmas because everyone who
knows me, knows how much I love and appreciate them.
Regarding bags I would go with Chanel. For example, their classic Chanel 2.55
medium flap bag in black is such a statement piece that has been around for
years, it is so timeless in my opinion and you cannot go wrong with it. I don't own
any Chanel bag yet, but it is on my savings dream wish list for someday in the
future. Santa can you hear me? *laughs*
8. What is the major tool for success as a model in the fashion industry?
That’s a very difficult question. I think you need a good agency or a good agent
and you must be active and dedicated too. Build yourself a strong network. Be
always on time, work hard and enjoy later. Be kind to everyone and thankful for
every opportunity you get in life!
9. How do you motivate yourself when things get rough for you?
I love watching other people’s motivating stories on going to YouTube. It reminds
me that I am not the only one who is currently going through a rough time or
struggling with something. It gives me inner strength to read supportive
comments. That is why I love to answer back to my followers too, because
interacting with people gives me love and support that I need when I am not
feeling so good and that’s what keeps me motivated to continue to do what I am
10. Is there anyone in the fashion industry that inspires you?
So many people. I love to get inspired every day. No matter if it is by a special
designer, advertising, a fashion show, the women on the street. I love to watch
people on the street and look what they are wearing and how they style their
looks. I love to browse through other bloggers and models accounts to get
inspired. One of my most favorite models lately has been Romee Strijd who
models for Victoria Secret. Her style is so cool, classy, yet young and chic. She
has such a kind attitude, I really enjoy what she is doing.
11. What are your plans regarding the future?
My dream is to model and continue to blog about fashion on my
blog evalutz.com as long as I can. I love travelling and my main goal is to be able
to make more short trips over the weekends in Europe for example. I am very
thankful for all the opportunities I had so far to work together with amazing
photographers, designers, stylists, make-up artists in different countries. I really
hope that there is more amazing stuff yet to come. One of my biggest dreams
would be to play a small role in a movie. I did a bit of acting when I was younger
in a theater group and they told me that I was fast in learning texts by heart and
putting myself into other characters. So, I really want to try this out one day too.
12. Would you like to give any message for overcoming failure in life?
Yes! My message to you is that nowadays we focus too much on material things.
Especially on social media it is all about advertising and who has what and who
travels where. Basically, people show off how they spend so much money all day
and this can get so toxic over time to watch. When you get sick one day, you
know that HEALTH, LOVE and FAMILY are the most important things in life. And
everything else just comes after that and doesn't really matter.
I am trying to focus more on that and not on how much money I need to earn to
be able to buy this or that, because this does not make me a better person. It is
just luxury. Gift people your smile. It is free, and you feel great, if you'll get a
smile in return! I also learnt from the past that sometimes it is good that things
don't happen as you wished them to be. I truly believe in everything happens for
a reason and that always cheers me up a lot, to have faith and trust in god and
his plans he has yet to come for me.
Photographer: Bernie Brunmair