
Freshmess learns how Liza’s obsession and love for lashes led to becoming an eye lash extension beautician in Los Angeles. Packing up and gambling her beauty salon in Russian Liza took a leap of faith which she opens up to Mess Magazine in an exclusive interview.
How did Liza Lash come about?
I had a small beauty salon in Russia, and I was one of first people doing complex eyelash extensions in my town. Once I got popular for my eyelash extension work I started calling myself Liza Lash.
How would you describe your style of Make-Up?
I try to make most of my Makeup looks feel really natural. I try to bring out the elegance of women without their makeup looking heavy and overdone. Lots of people usually comment about how natural the makeup I do looks.
As a Make-Up artist where do you get your creativity inspiration from ?
I love looking at other talented makeup artists and following their work. I also like looking at fashion magazines and online blogs.
Did you always know you wanted to work in the Make-up industry?
I did. From age 15 I was excited about makeup and began by practicing on myself and my friends. I always had this idea in my mind that I would be able to become a makeup professional, so I continued doing makeup for people until they saw my talents and I could begin charging them for me work!
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Being a Make-up artist in LA,  how do you distinguish yourself from others?
I don’t really focus on making myself different than others, I usually just focus on making makeup looks that I enjoy. Makeup is fun, it always should be and that is how I would like to keep it.
What has been your best accomplishment so far with Liza Lash?
For me my biggest accomplishment was being able to leave my beauty studio in Russia behind, and building a successful social media following here in America.
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You have a huge following on social media, specially Instagram, how do you keep them engaged and interested?
I try to keep them interested by showing different makeup looks, and I spend a lot of my time replying to everyones questions and comments. I really try my best to talk to everyone. It’s something I feel is really important, because people take their time to appreciate your work so I dedicate lots of my time to reply and I hope they feel that I truly care.
What is the message you want to spread through your creative work?
Makeup is an amazing tool, but I try to focus on natural looks because I think everyone is truly beautiful as themselves without overdoing it!
Where do you see Liza Lash in the next ten years?
I don’t want to know. haha. lol. Kidding. Right now i’m focusing on working on unique projects that I enjoy, and within 10 years, hopefully i’ll have developed a series of Liza Lash branded products. That would be awesome!
Thank you guys for having me!
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