
Matthew Gallagher retro glam

Thought there was nothing exciting about Canada except HIMYM’s character Robin Schrebatsky and Justin Bieber? You couldn’t be more wrong. Toronto designer Matthew Gallagher takes us to the world where our infantile dreams come true, in a very grown up way of course. How? Take a look at the Spring ’14 look-book that was released just earlier today.

This is the story, where pink is pinker, blue is bluer, white is whiter and good becomes generally better. Really, is there any piece from pictures below that you would refuse to have? Exactly. Neither would we. The glamour of this collection has been served in a fairy tale that sells glamour the best, a fairy tale that actually invented glamour – the golden age of Hollywood spark. The only elements that are missing here are palms and a retro car. Works your imagination quite wonderfully though, what else do you think could be the source of inspiration here?

Whatever story stands behind this collection, you’re more than welcomed to come up with your own one – as long as you’re enjoying yourself which this collection seems to be all about. And seriosusly, which one of us, girls, doesn’t want to be the model in those pictures?…



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