Red lips, blue hair, over 2000 dresses, countless jewellery pieces, a walking cane and some defiant eccentricity – this is the description that matches one person and one person only. A a great icon. An amazing writer. A kind and humorous person. Anna Piaggi.
Born in Milan, she came from a well educated family, so she was sent to attend a boarding school. After a while Anna realised this was not the world she could fit in very well – strict bans and orders didn’t go along with her free spirit nature. She left the school, wandered around the world as an au pair (that’s probably where she picked up those six languages, in all of which she could fluently speak and write). When she met her husband, who was a professional photographer, her career in fashion begun.
If you wanna read more about Anna Piaggi’s Life CLICK HERE
Read the whole first issue here