
Anna Wintour famous quotes and becoming Vogues

Anna Wintour editor in chief of Vogue magazine has had (a few to name the least) famous quotes.

Anna became editor-in-chief for American Vogue magazine in 1988. Anna had previously been creative director for American Vogue in 1983; she had made decisions behind the editor in chief’s knowledge and caused friction amongst the staff. This forced her to travel back to London.

Back in London, Anna soon became editor in chief for Conde Nast- owned British Vogue. Anna quickly made changes to the publication quoting: “”I want Vogue to be pacy, sharp, and sexy, I’m not interested in the super-rich or infinitely leisured. I want our readers to be energetic, executive women, with money of their own and a wide range of interest.” 

Changes were soon made, with editors being replaced and establishing the need to have the final approval. This earned her the name of “Nuclear Wintour.”

After fixing British Vogue, Wintour was asked to repair ailing publication Home and Garden. After a brief stay, Anna found herself on American soil and back to Vogue, this time as editor in chief!

“Just be true to yourself, and listen as much as one is able to other people whose opinions you respect and look up to but in the end it has to come from you. You can’t really worry too much by looking to the left and the right about what the competition is doing or what other people in your field are doing. It has to be a true vision.”
Anna Wintour


“You either know fashion or you don’t.”
Anna Wintour


“It’s always about timing. If it’s too soon, no one understands. If it’s too late, everyone’s forgotten.”
Anna Wintour

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