
Everything you need to know about having body confidence and loving yourself

I know you saw the title and you were like, body confidence? That looks like something I could be interested in. You are right, body confidence is something to be interested in. It is vital in our society that each one of us have body confidence.

Don’t have? I am going to show you how.

Mirror Affirmations

First, grab your nearest mirror or go to the bathroom and use that mirror.

Take your time to look at yourself in the mirror. Look at your eyes. Look at your forehead, it is the perfect size by the way. Then, look at your nose, your mouth and your chin.

Show your award-winning smile to the mirror. Take a deep breath, and repeat after me: “I am beautiful”; “I am worth it”; “I look good in everything I wear”; and last but not least “I am a baddie”

Don’t Be Negative

The next thing I want you to do is to grab a paper–Wait. What? You don’t have some paper. Oh, whom am I kidding? Grab yourself a laptop and write down a contract for yourself.

Promise yourself that you will never insult yourself to anybody or even to yourself. The days of negative self-talk are behind you.

Write a contract and sign it either electronically or print it out and sign it from there.

Any time you want to be negative, take a look at your contract and slap yourself silly (Jk. Please, do not hurt yourself. #DontTryThisAtHome)

Be generous with compliments

I know you saw this subtitle and was like “What does it have to do with body confidence?’

The answer is in short, EVERYTHING!!!!!

We live in a world where we are always jealous of other people because of how they look or how they dress or how confidently they talk and walk.

It is time to stop envying in the shadows. Be bold, brave and go out there; tell people what you like about them. My challenge for you today is to make someone’s day by complimenting at least five people online or in-person every week. Make the compliments genuine and dig deep from the heart.

Your Friends

Ever heard the saying “You are who your friends are”?

Well, if your friends are negative, you are probably negative as well. Time to filter them out, or have them read this article.

If you are here because someone sent you this article, I promise you it is a good thing. Think of it as your friends loving you so much that they want you to change instead of ghosting you. Hi, my name is Zoe Akinbodunse. I am an Instagram influencer (@zoe_akin) with many works on the way, stay tuned and be amazed.

If you just stumbled onto this article, Idk man. What if God or the universe or chance was trying to tell you something? Take it as you will.

Bubble In My Bath. I Can’t Complain.

Okay. Now that we are off that delicate topic, I would like to talk about relaxing.

You can’t be body confident and be stressed out all the time. 

So grab your calendar and mark one day of the month where you will have at the minimum a 30-minute bubble bath.

Yes! I am watching you! Don’t break your bubble bath day or the bubble bath queen might come and get you!!

Celebrate Small Wins

Next is celebrating your small wins.

Celebrating your small wins can be as simple as patting yourself on the back or getting yourself one of your favourite drinks instead of water when you order in. 

Dressing For Yourself

Last but not least: Dress for yourself.

When I say dress for yourself, I do not mean wearing a mermaid costume at Thanksgiving. All I am trying to say is while dressing appropriately, wear what you want to wear. Don’t dress for the hot neighbour down the street. Dress for yourself. Wear what you want to wear while fitting in with the attire.

The Takeaway

Body confidence is not hard if you don’t make it hard.

Practising the little tips mentioned in this article will make you miles closer to having body confidence and loving yourself just the way you are.

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