This year’s most provocative and anticipated exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) in Queensland is the work of an internationally renowned artist. Cai Guo-Ciang’s dramatic and thought-provoking installations made him one of the leading figures in the world of contemporary art. His latest exhibition named ‘Falling Back to Earth’ will be on display at GOMA for the entire summer – from 23rd November 2013 till 11 May 2014.
This controversial exhibit presents a beautiful, yet a bit alarming interpretation of our relationship with the nature. Two out of the three featured installations have been inspired by Australian nature during the 2011 visit of Cai Guo-Ciang to south-east Queensland.
Heritage 2013 consists of 99 real-size replicas of different animals gathered together to drink from a bright blue lake. The oasis-like setting with its pristine white sand has clearly been inspired by one of the lakes in Moreton Bay’s Islands.
Eucalyptus 2013 is an enormous 31-metre-long gumtree. The tree salvaged from a Brisbane building site lies in the gallery tipped on its side. Visitors are encouraged to suggest a good purpose for the timber material once the show closes doors in May.
Head On is the most popular installation in ‘Falling Back to Earth’. Its 99 wolves who jump en masse straight into a glass wall has travelled half the world since its début in 2006. However, it will be displayed in Australia for the first time.
The entire exhibition makes visitors reconsider their relationship with nature. Cai Guo-Ciang’s ‘Falling Back to Earth’ is the highlight of the season in Queensland, so don’t miss out on one of the most spectacular displays in Australia.
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