The revolution of the model is back. Move over deprived-of-bacon wafers and welcome wonderful and inspiring human beings. Recently we have seen the line between model and role model blurred. So long are the days where skinny was the new black and black was the new skinny. These women are embracing their beauty, their bodies and their power to move away from the negative perception that has constantly overshadowed them.
Our world is all kinds of crazy and messed up, yet it is so exhilarating and forever changing. Growing up as an easily influenced girl is hard and we often look to people for the answers. We want people we sincerely believe in to understand and relate to us. And yes, Marissa Cooper here’s looking at you. But the reality was these women were not the role models females needed. Young women are looking for those who are confident, independent and determined.

It’s taken some time but these strong independent don’t-need-no-man women are coming out of their fashionably styled closets promoting health, independence and self-belief. It’s models like Christy Burlington Burns who are consistently advocating the message that ‘it’s what you do that defines you’ helping make this change. There is a great shift of awareness towards people embracing the deal they’ve been handed.
My insecure teen days were filled with crash diets, inspired by Kate Moss’ unforgettable and ingrained quote ‘nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.’ Yes Kate, but you’ve clearly never had wine before have you? Whilst I shamefully look back at those days, I’m filled with this sense of reassurance that we now have women like Karlie Kloss promoting scholarships for young girls to learn coding. In fact, they’re giving them the opportunity to code their futures.
The biggest inspiration for me would be that of Andreja Pejic. Andreja ferociously stormed runways as Andrej, the Australian androgynous male. Years later, Andrej is now Andreja and is breaking headlines, empowering the trans community. Andreja’s determination to promote diversity teaches us to love and own the person you’re meant to be.

So to the new generation of role models, thank you. Thank you to these women who are showing me it’s ok to love yourself and that it’s ok to dream big. Thank you for reminding me of my own power to be the woman I choose to be.
Tell me girls, who run this world? You, me and every one else in between.