Who doesn’t love travelling in style? 4 places that are a must visit for the traveler in you!
Four Seasons-Bahrain Bay
Just by looking at it need I say more? The spectacular four seasons in Bahrain Bay is a must visit, with its amazing architecture and stunning location it is the perfect place for any traveler to visit whether you’re there on business or for pleasure his hotel has all that you need. A gym for the Schwarzenegger in you… I know I find it hard to find him too. A pool to cool down and relax after a intense work out, obviously, and of course a spa, because, well, spa! I mean why would you not want to go here?
Pool in Four Seasons Bahrain
Ritz Carlton – Berlin
Front of Ritz Carlton Berli, Phot by Alexandra Maria Sira
Berlin itself Is one of the most beautiful places to visit on its own, but paired with a hotel like the Ritz carlton is makes it 10 times better, if that’s possible! With its stunning location, this hotel will ignite all sophistication in you, we know its in there somewhere, along with the romance of the city you will have the time of your life, exploring all the city has to offer plus the luxuries of the hotel you wont ever want to leave!
Interior Design in Ritz Carlton
Mondrian Hotel- London
View at Night from Mondrian Hotel
London, what’s not to love about London, Capital city with some of the most famous buildings around, Big ben, London eye, and of course good old queen Elizabeth! But to visit London you need somewhere to stay and no better place than Mondrian Hotel itself, =with a spectacular view you couldn’t be a in a better spot, with sports and spa facilities theres no better place to stay and relax after a long day exploring, and believe me once your out in London, you wont want to stop!
MESS in Mondrian
Me London
Lobby in Me London Hotel
You wont be able to get enough of London so you will have to return, believe me, and of course as much as you loved where you stayed, youll have to try something new, and there is no place better than me London, as you can see it will light your way to an amazing trip, youll be comfortable and will be travelling in style, which we all want, with all the facilities you need and of course some of the best food around, you wont be able to leave, which is fine, why would you want too?
Breakfast in Me London Hotel