Hi Olga, nice to meet you. When I started to do research on you, I found your amazing and dreamy dresses, but very little about yourself. Can you please start with telling me more about yourself?
Hi, there! I’m very pleased to meet you. About me: I became a designer since my brand officially was launched in 2017. In my works, I like to play and aim to compromise between the classical approach and modern technology. I like to combine exclusive fabrics with the latest materials, which allows to achieve unusual silhouette forms and interesting solutions. I like to add a touch of irony to soften the perception and set a positive mood.
How did you start designing? Was it a childhood dream? Where did you study?
As a child, I always drew a lot. I used to pain elegant dresses for the princesses. It was not an obvious choice or a dream to become a designer for me when I was younger. First sewed and knitted dolls, then began to dress themselves and this is how it all started.
After graduating from high school, I tried to enter the art universities of St. Petersburg, but without professional training I had no chance to enter. I was denied everywhere. And it was not possible for me to study for a fee.
I studied for 2 years as a Secretary and managed to work in that profession. Then I decided to seriously prepare for admission to study the fashion design. And it happened! I ended up studying “Costume Design” in St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics and stayed there for 6 years with wonderful teachers and designers from St. Petersburg, such as Elena Badmaeva and Vladimir Bukhinnik.
What inspires you as a designer?
It starts with a sketch, or fabric, or just an idea in my head. But usually the energy of a place or someone really inspires me – I convert and express that energy through my fashion design.
Designing couture dresses usually requires a small team. Who helps you with all your work?
Until recently, I worked alone. And it’s insanely hard. Now I have a designer who helps and embodies my ideas into reality.
What is your designing process? Where do you have your atelier?
This question is extremely difficult and painful for me. I work at home in a workshop. Atelier is only in dreams.
Who is your dream woman to wear your dress? Anyone in the world?
If Lady GAGA appears in my dress, my dream will really become a reality.
Can you introduce to me your average customer?
I am focused more on such clients as singers, actresses of theater and cinema, media personalities. The Russian fashion landscape is always changing with amazing talent emerging from the hidden corners of that huge country. What does it mean for you being a young Russian couture designer now?
It is quite difficult to be a young designer with a certain specificity of clothes in Russia. At the beginning of the formation of a young brand is very expensive. This is an endless investment in their business, promotion, training.
How do you think the rich history and traditions of your country shapes your designing work?
The history of Russia is very rich. In St. Petersburg, where I live and work, it is impossible not to create and /or compose. Here, art is impregnated through the different times in history, and the diversity of traditions, events, and colorful personalities of the people who lived in this town.
The most favorite place of mine is in the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoye Selo. For me, this is the most fascinating place where I rest my soul and get inspired.
We all know about the great buying power of the new generation of the Russian women, do they support local talent as well? Or your customers are more from other countries?
A lot of Russian buyers and customers support the Russian designers, whether it is a big fashion house, or a designer – they prefer to buy from ‘local’ artists. We support each other and support the country as well.
What does the future hold for your brand? Where do you see yourself in a few years? New York? Milan? Paris? London?
Of course, I can only afford to dream about such venues as Paris, Milan, new York and London. But, who knows! Even 1.5 years ago, I could not imagine that I would have my own brand, shows, interesting shootings, features in magazines, and that my dresses would shine on the major concert venues of St. Petersburg.
As a brand, we continue to move forward with small steps. Slowly, but solely, we’re growing. And believe me, it’s worth it. If you believe in something you can achieve it!