
The Bangladesh Accord- A Prime Example of Brands being Superficially Ethical

We all know that the upper end of the fast fashion industry has a huge issue with green-washing and putting on a front of ethical practices. Naturally, as a consumer, you likely don’t have the time or resources to fully fact check these claims. So, you do the ‘good’ thing and buy from H&M because they are at least *talking*about carbon emissions and Zara does have that donations bin, it feels better than say, FashionNova. Unfortunately, these are prime examples of brands pandering to their consumer’s desire for more ethical fashion while not actually doing anything to become more ethical in their practices. Ethics are not at the core of these brands, ethics are simply a superficial marketing ploy in a lot of cases.

Re/make, are driving a push for actual ethical action. After the Rana Plaza disaster in 2013, over 200 fashion brands signed The Bangladesh Accord on fire and safety after the world pressured the fashion industry to ensure their workers were treated better. The Accord is set to expire in 68 days and so far only 5 of the original 200 brands have re-signed. Re/make are specifically targeting H&M, Zara, Tommy Hilfiger, American Eagle(incl. Aerie) and C&A to resign and pledge to protect their workers. 

Re/make are a community of designers, feminists and ‘all round fashion aficionados’ who believe fashion could be a force for good. They are a movement dedicated to breaking up with fast fashion and making a pledge to buy better.

Re/make targeted H&M on May 6 and were met with a weak response as to why they are not keen on re-signing the Accord. As a brand that religiously plays on the ethical concerns of their consumers, marketing themselves as somewhat sustainable and unlike other high-street brands, it’s abhorrent that they would not be jumping to lead the way in getting more brands to sign on and ensure safe working conditions for their Bangladeshi garment workers. 

To keep up with updates regarding The Bangladesh Accord and engage in calls to action, follow Re/make and PayUp on Instagram. You can read their debunk of the response received from H&M and help to expand the awareness of The Accord’s renewal. 

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