
The Art of The Virtual Human

Often the thought of digitalised, heavily filtered, reality-altered figures can lend way to a discussion on self-imaging issues and body dysmorphic tendencies. After all, we live in a world dictated by the likes of Instagram where Photoshop and beauty filters are rife. Surely encouraging another, heightened, level of digital humanisation will only further this issue? Perhaps, this argument is too simplistic.

“Post-human is like a realization of the human figure outside of the real world, not that the online or virtual isn’t the real world. It’s just like virtualization” Harriet Davey for ‘Unfolding Strategies’

Artistry exists in multiple forms, all unique and compelling in their own ways. One of these forms exists within the digital universe; the virtual human. 3D artist, Harriet Davey, worked to create a visualisation of the human form with the addition of the more fantastical of features.

Beata Wilczek, founder of ‘Unfolding Strategies’, sat down with Harriet to discuss her artistic process and inspiration behind these figures. The discussion covered an insight into the array of the possibilities and limitations of digitally altered human forms. It demonstrates the levels of thought that go into the process of 3D imagery, the appreciation for the world around us marrying that ability to manipulate and transform.

“Some digitally enhanced bodies perpetuate body dysmorphia and gave rise to many more plastic surgeries” Beata Wilczek for ‘Unfolding Strategies’

Often the thought of digitalised, heavily filtered, reality-altered figures can lend way to a discussion on self-imaging issues and body dysmorphic tendencies. After all, we live in a world dictated by the likes of Instagram where Photoshop and beauty filters are rife. Surely encouraging another, heightened, level of digital humanisation will only further this issue? Perhaps, this argument is too simplistic.

The work of Harriet Davey is, ultimately, an art form; in the same way that Photoshop, and image manipulation is an art form. We cannot simply dismiss these forms of expression as a danger to society and the minds of the people. It all comes down to the way in which it is used.

“My work on AR face filters is much more of a comedic and personal outlet. Many of them are stupid or simple ideas I had and quickly, cheaply, and cheekily execute.” Harriet Davey for Coeval Magazine

You can listen to Harriet’s episode on the ‘Unfolding Strategies’ podcast with Beata Wilczek here.

Be sure to also check out the work of both Harriet Davey and Beata Wilczek

All photo credits @harriet.blend

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