
How to kick start your career in fashion

Breaking into the fashion industry may seem like a hard task but by having the eye and a passion for fashion will get you far.

There are many different career paths you can take in fashion for example you can become a fashion designer, fashion photographer, or a journalist, the list is endless.

A good way to start your career journey is by making a blog, blogging is great way to write about your thoughts and inspirations all relating to your personal style and favourite fashion designers. It will also give you exposure in the fashion industry as there are many people who look online for style inspirations. Having a fashion related degree is not essential any more as most employers these day look for experience rather than a qualification, a great way to get experience in the fashion industry is by starting an internship, not only will an internship teach you about the fashion industry but it will also be beneficial as it will help you decide which path you want to take in your fashion career.

Depending on your career path you may need to know about the latest trends and styles, so therefore it is important that you immerse yourself in the current trends and fashion designers as it will give you an insight on how fashion is evolving. A good way to do this is by reading fashion blogs, watching and researching the latest catwalks and keeping an eye on what celebrities are wearing.

Being consistent with work is also very important if you want to break into the fashion industry, this is because employers look for people who are able to keep up with the workload day in day out. So by keeping organised and completing the work load on time you will be well on your way to breaking into the fashion industry.

Louise O'Reilly - Style Me Curvy       Lydia Abraham - fashioninflux         Olivia Purvis

Louise O’Reilly                                                                               Lydia Abraham                                                                Olivia Purvis

Louise O’Reilly is a fashion blogger and a plus size model from Ireland who has modelled for fashion websites such as Little Woods and very.com. During her successful career in the fashion industry she started a blog called Style Me Curvy where she promoted style and fashion for every curve and body type. You can find her blog here http://stylemecurvy.blogspot.co.uk/

Lydia Abraham is a 21 year old fashion blogger and a youtuber from Sheffield, she was recently highly commended by the Cosmo blog awards for having the best new fashion blog. She started her blog after graduating from the University of Leeds with an English Language degree.You can find her blog here http://www.fashioninflux.co.uk/

Olivia Purvis is a 20 year old fashion blogger who also spends her time freelancing in social media and photography, this year her blog won the Best Established Cosmo Blog Award. In 2011 she won a Cosmos award for Best New Fashion Blog and she also won the Social Savvy Cosmo award in 2012. You can find here blog here http://www.whatoliviadid.com/

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