

Mixing up casual and tailored together isn’t an easy feat. Especially for menswear. The line i feel for casual and tailored is so divided that i can not see an easy collaboration of the two. However Chad does it with a masculine, easy and refined flair. Here is his introduction and see the background behind Casually Tailored;

 I grew up in Kentucky all the way up until college.  I went away to college at Eastern Kentucky University to become an airline pilot, but somehow ended up as a mens fashion stylist in Columbus, Ohio (imagine that).  I met my fiance, Leah,  while living / working in Columbus and we are set to get married this up incoming August.  I tend to believe that everything in life happens for a reason so I am just along for the ride.

How would you describe your style in 3 words?
Casual, Tailored, Classic
Who are you?
 I have been involved in mens fashion for the past 10 years.  Most of my fashion experience has been in the corporate retail field.  Currently I am the mens fashion stylist for Express Men’s and I am responsible for in-store mannequin looks as well as the window displays.  Before Express, I was the head stylist for Abercrombie & Fitch’s Men’s & Boy’s brands.  I was in charge of all of the mannequins in the stores as well as the styling direction for the website.  Corporate retail is a wild ride every day and it keeps me on my heels, which is why I think I like it so much.
How did you get into blogging?
Funny enough my Intern at work got me into it. She connected me with a local magazine who was writing a piece on local mens style bloggers and the rest is history.  I didn’t think I would like it, but I really enjoy blogging.  I really enjoy sharing my photos with my followers on Instagram (@casuallytailored).  Instagram is unlike any other social media site because it has such a sense of community. I am inspired everyday to keep pushing onward and upward to come up with new ideas.
Do you have any exciting collaborations to look forward too?
  I am currently working with Gordon Rush which is very exciting because some would say I have a shoe collecting problem and they make amazing shoes.  I started working with them this past fall/winter and I look forward to seeing the spring line sharing it with everyone.
What has been your favorite projects in the past? 
I would have to say my blog in general has been my favorite project.  Sometimes it is very hard to work on because it is basically a second full time job, but at the end of the day it is always worth it.  I really love creating a concept or theme for a shoot on the blog.  Some may think that it is easy to do, but it really is not.  There are so many things you have to think about and plan out before you even go out and start shooting (location, lighting, props, outfits, etc.)
See the rest of his style here.
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