
All things Sustainable.

Sustainable Fashion editorial:

• Photographer @michael_weniger
• Styling @lorenalareo
• Make up @sarahgmuer.makeup
• Hair @vincenzostylegossip
• Model @miruhfrutiger
• Model @karenfleischmann

White jacket and white oversize printed jeans from Ravenite @the_ravenite
Earrings “L’Ovale” from Sherylin @sherylinbirth

Multicolor jacket from Forbidden Denimeries @forbiddendenimeries

Pink Corset by Aporeei @aporeei_

Wide navy velvet trousers from Isabel Manns @isabel_manns

Karen and Miruh:
Karen wears a white Dress from Andri Oppliger @gehhindurch and white pants
from Aporeei @aporeei_

Earrings “Cerchio” by Sherylin @sherylinbirth

Miruh wears a black blouse
from Aporeei @aporeei_ ,
green pants and white shoes
from Andri Oppliger @gehhindurch

Wool knitted dress from Andri Oppliger @gehhindurch

Pink silk tuxedo from

Earrings “Pink Cristal Drops” by @vanessa_schindler

Silver glitter loafers from Nicholas Kirkwood
@nicholaskirkwood and Diorever metallic bag from Christian Dior (both courtesy of Reawake Zurich)@reawake

Pink silk buttoned dress from Jacqueline Loekito @jacquelineloekito
White coat designed by Estelle Krattinger @estellekrattinger

Black oversize coat from Xumu @xumuoffiacial
Earrings designed by Yan Jiang @yan_jiang_studio
Grey plateau pumps by Prada (courtesy of Reawake Zurich) @reawake

Multicolor coat designed by Lida Noba @lida_noba
Black Turtleneck Sweater by ZRCL @wearezrcl
Wide navy velvet trousers from Isabel Marant @isabelmarant

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