
Chatting with Johny Dar


We had a chat with the revolutionary, creative Johny Dar. We wanted to know what’s behind his wondrous creations from accessories to sculptures and most importantly his SS15 collection.

First of all, what are your key inspirations when creating SS15


The same old inspiration: to never repeat myself, and stay true to creations

that inspire people to dream beyond their present state of possibilities.

Sum the collection in 3 descriptive words?

Everything and nothing.

During the show, you used a mixture of body art and fashion,

creating more than just a catwalk. Why is that?

Well, this collection was the cornerstone of my coming back into the world

of fashion, and I wanted to express a lifestyle beyond just a runway show.

I wanted it to be a journey through my creative process, allowing the

viewer to get in touch with the steps that come about prior to the final

creation of the fashion piece. I work with the body and rediscovering the

movement within the body, therefore working the construction of the

garment to the movement of the body, to the body’s expression, so it can

be an extension or aid for the body to express itself through another

medium. So the body can rediscover the way it expresses itself through


What differences are there between your SS15 and AW15


I guess I am too immersed right now in the creation of my next collection,

therefore I cannot really make out the difference, other than I am going

back to my roots of constructed layered flow. So you will be seeing a lot of

construction within layers flowing into each other creating a new body

language for the wearer to enjoy.

What inspired you to go into the creative industry of fashion?

A motorcycle accident. And then I couldn’t afford my film making school

and my dad refused to pay for my film making school.

We see you have interests in painting, fashion (ready-to-wear and

accessories), editorials and sculpture. Any key favourite areas out of

these? And why?

I cannot decide if I like the roots of the tree more than the actual tree itself,

or it’s fruits – they are all necessary to create the overall tree that I see as

my creations, embodied within these elements. This year I am showing

my first film at the Fashion Film Festival in Berlin, and I will be releasing a

music video as well. So this year holds a lot of surprises sprung from my

ambitions of creating art through all these different mediums.

I believe my favorite, or the most crucial, would be art because I really

believe that without art humanity would still be hunters and gatherers.

Art for me is the seed of all my creations, therefore without it nothing else

would be possible.

What are we expecting to see from Johny Dar in the future?

Well, this year there are the things I just mentioned, then a trinity of

crystallised sculptures – the “Queen of Pearls”, the “Queen of Diamonds”,

and the “Queen Metal”.

Then there is “DAR the BOOK Vol.3” which is going to be quite a surprise

because it is a new expression within my art, and it’s further revealing what

“DAR the BOOK” is about. It’s like the last step of me being mysterious

about what I am expressing through “DAR the BOOK”, and it’s the step

that reveals the scenes that will come in the movie trilogy that we will be

making from “DAR the BOOK”. So it is dear to me and it continues to

surprise me and bring me lots of inspiration and joy, so I am really excited

about the release of “DAR the BOOK Vol.3” soon – it should be coming out

around April.

And there’s also is my most recently published book, “Perfekte Momente”,

which has been a great success in Germany, and now we are translating it

into different languages, and it will be available in English soon. It’s a

mixture of my art and wisdom quotes from around the world, and it’s

designed to be that perfect moment of inspiration anytime.

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