
#FreshMess ‘DAY OF THE DEAD’ by Iwona Wojtowicz

photographer, styling: IWONA WOJTOWICZ http://facebook.com/IwonaWPhotography
makeup & hair: SYLWIA WÓJTOWICZ
clothes are vintage
Do you remember infamour Zombie Boy’s first photo shoot that has been published on facebook? In relatively short perios of time Zobmie Boy became one of the most influential models of all time. ‘Day of the Dead’ is inspired by this tattood Autralian guy. Have a look!
IMG_9157C copy IMG_9182Bbwnoi copy IMG_9205Bd copy IMG_9257B copy IMG_9269C copy IMG_9277B copy IMG_9293B copy IMG_9306B copy IMG_9309Dcr copy IMG_9350B copy IMG_9358B copy IMG_9379B copy IMG_9385Cnoi copy IMG_9405C copy IMG_9425B copy IMG_9430B copy
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