
HOUSE OF DAR by JOHNY DAR on Berlin Fashion Week!

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How could you forget Johny Dar last season? Vibrant colours, performances, big hair and well.. big heads. Here at Mess Mag are more than excited for AW15 at Berlin Fashion week in January  and what is to come for Johny Dar. In addition to the collection, starting in November, DAR is holding an exclusive exhibition alongside.

We all remember DARE from last season, and of course DAR THE BOOK, containing the 6 separate volumes featuring artistic imagery interpreting the female body and an unprecedented perspective upon art and the bare female. In the coming weeks you’ll able to experience DAR the BOOK and ‘DARE’, the show during Berlin fashion week for AW15 in person. This will also include an exhibition with canvas’s and prints of his art and body work.

With his book DAR THE BOOK 2, coming out limited edition, we are more excited for the projects coming up. Working alongside Rankin for his recent project TUULI BY DAR. Featuring body art which took 12 hours and a essence of femininity, creating a delicate image, with concept of pushing the boundaries of beauty and art . Leading with 12 striking body art paintings to be created into a 2014 limited edition calendar and exhibit, which is being shown at HOUSE of DAR.


To bring his creativity further, DAR also created a range of canvas paintings, using acrylic and capturing moments of movement. Each painting has a huge inspiration behind, giving each viewer an individual experience with each image.

Being just as busy in 2014, DAR is hitting back. Watch out for his AW15/16 collection, being shown at ‘The Party’ in Paris, filled with never before seen art installations and live performances. Us at Mess Magazine cannot wait to see what is next!


Can’t wait? Watch the trailer here!

IN 24 HRS – A JOHNY DAR FILM (preview) from DAR the BOOK on Vimeo.

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