If your aim is to be head of the game, interning over summer months between semesters is THE answer. From 3 months to 2 weeks, whatever you do is beneficial and in the long run looks amazing. From our style and fashion writers, we have gathered top 6 tips for being ahead of the game during the season.
1. Start applying and looking beginning of the year!
No one likes the stress of last minute searches, applications and arrangements. Give yourself a good amount of time to search for what you need and what you want to get out of your summer. Additionally, applying early and being successful will allow yourself to create a partnership with your employee, keep in contact prior internship and do your research, looks amazing on the first day!
Try sites such as Fashion Workie & UK Fashion intern
2. You can find what you like, without being tied down
The beauty about summer interning to year placements, is that you are able to try a variety of different areas in the industry, rather than just stuck being in one for the year. Take 1, 2, or even 4 different internships over summer, there’s no limit!
3. Stay proactive and pproductive
Having those glorious 4 months off college and university can be great, however you get back, it’s your first day of semester and you’ve lost your momentum. Keeping busy keeps the motivation going, additionally it’s beneficial for the future. Don’t think interning over summer can be helpful after graduation, it can help all throughout your course!

4. Begin to build contacts, go go go!
You never know who you’ll meet. Interning is the perfect window to exchange contracts and create partnerships. Fashion is 24/7, 365 days a year, you are bound to walk into someone helpful!
5. Fashion Week. Do I need to say anymore?
We all know summer is creeping to a end when S/S collections start all around the world at Fashion Week. However prior then, fashion is a chaotic kingdom. Designers, creatives, press, magazines, basically everyone is always needing that extra intern to get them by in time for shows. Apply everywhere!
6. Enjoy yourself, get a balance, and have an amazing summer!
Don’t feel you have to work COMPLETELY over summer. Get a balance, soak up the sun and enjoy the ride. You can have the best of both worlds!