Olivia Erica Ryan is an 18 year old from England that runs a fashion, beauty & lifestyle blog – with beauty reviews, outfit inspiration and life experiences!
Olivia has had an interested in blogging for a long time before starting her blog with inspirations such as Llymlrs, Hannahlouisef and WeWoreWhat for fashion insporation along with Milkteef and Hello-october for beauty posts!
Other inspirations Olivia has come from the TV & Film world such as Blair Warldof from Gossip Girl along with American Horror Story: Coven for some of their witchcraft fashion choices. In the celebrity world – Kendall & Kylie Jenner, Lana Del Rey & Eleanor Calder give Olivia serious fashion envy! On the opposite end, Olivia likes to encorporate male influences such as Harry Styles & Matt Healy into her fashion choices!
Olivia’s style is classic with an encorporation of the latest trends – from florals to gingham, Olivia’s fashion posts always givs a girly vibe mixed with elegance and class.
In the future, Olivia would love to grow her blog as she grows herself – to look back and see if she is doing the same thing or her life has completly changed. Although right now her blog is a hobby whilst working at Topshop, but who knows what will happen in the future!
Mess defintiely predicts a bright future for Olivia – with absoloutely stunning photography, along with gorgeous styling picks and fabulous posts!
If you would like to see more of Olivia, make sure to check her out through her social media: