Celebrating Earth Month is a reminder of the need to change our consumption habits. As a global effort to reach a healthier perspective on the endless appropriation, leaving behind a corrosive fashion footprint on the planet. The collaboration of Never Fade Factory, Global Fashion Exchange and Lablaco brings an altruistic vision of fashion for the next two months at the Never Fade store. As a simple answer to the human need to live in a society, they dusted out a profound bond in human interaction. “Swapping” exists since humans decided to gather. On the same level of interaction, the Swapchain Event offers the possibility for each to simply swap items. For that, all there is to do is to sign up at the Never Fade store to SPIN and swap items in-store or on the Lablaco App.
Swapchain is the physical aspect of the process. It collaborates with stores around London in order to have garments that can be swapped or registered in store and on the app. The desire for a social change and global impact made Never Fade Factory the perfect space to display such technology.
SPIN is powered by blockchain to digitize as much as possible the fashion industry. It permits the tokenization and recirculation of fashion items in total transparency and traceability of information for the customers. On Lablaco, users can connect, communicate and share opinion as well as fashion wearables. This system implements organic mechanics from the video game industry into the fashion industry. Components such as “Lablaco Give” and the “Surprise” button, allowing the user to offer and donate gifts to other private users are also available. Established sellers can also join to sell or give wearables. As much as it seems a complete innovation in a self-centred consumption of fashion, these systems are widely established in any video games that include interaction with other players. That said, it is an approach that can only have a long-lasting impact as more and more people are willing to change unnecessary habits.
Taking action in the support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, these leaders in circular fashion intend to reach the three goals set for 2020. Circularity is as essential as obvious, even more in the city that consumed more than 54bn GBP in fashion during the pandemic’s lockdown of the same year. This collaboration as well as the Circular Fashion Summit take fashion a step further in the normalisation of circular practices in a collective sphere.
Words: Sabrine Tabet / @cheesytab