
Interview with Lysandre G. L.


If you could use one material for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Lace and I am really into drawing on fabrics.

At 15, you designed your first dress for your Jr. High graduation, do you still own said dress?

Yes at my parents’ place.

You have previously taken inspiration from the ocean and Morocco, what are you looking to next?

This collection is about the Death Valley and Road 66. For the next collection, I am really inspired by Thailand, Indonesia and India.

Many designers, including the late Gianni Versace, accredit their skills with having a parent involved with fashion, specifically tailoring. If your mother was not a tailor, would you still have felt the call to create?

My mother was a designer and I was personally really into drawings. Naturally, I combined both in order to draw on fabrics.


Do you see any similarities between Chinese and French fashion?

All the details of the king’s court clothes during the 17th and 18th centuries in France were close to the details we could find in China at the same time period, Nowadays France is much more performant in terms of couture and details, French took it ot the next level while China is streetwear and creative cuts oriented.

Do you have a specific routine to get the creative juices flowing?

Love inspires me so much. Personal feelings are my driving force as I am a sensitive person. When I travel at the ocean or Morocco I feel the atmosphere with love.My clothes depict a confrontation of several feelings and it brings a piece of art to life. My clothes reflect both what I have seen and what I have felt. When I have traveled through the Death Valley I was sad because the atmosphere was really dark and I reflected it on the collection. In the same way the Road 66 was colourful and really lively that is why I used brighter colours.

I actually play a lot with colours, even when I was young. It helped me to express my feelings and emotions.

What is a staple piece in your wardrobe?

Definitely a dress, trousers are not comfortable and dresses are prettier in all kinds of ways. I like it simple in order to feel comfy.

How do you want people to feel when wearing your clothing?

I want people to feel confident when they wear my clothes. For example, I have created a really simple straight-cut jacket which gives you a good posture to feel confident but on the other hand, I always add a fun and lively detail. I have a keen interest in contrast.

What is your biggest fashion faux pas?

Never. Once I fell down while walking on my long dress, it was more a fashion oops rather than a real fashion faux pas because a dress is never too long.  

Which fictional character would you feel embodies your style the most?

I would be Twiggy because she has a kind soul. She is gentle and I am particularly inspired by the 60’s. The makeup of my last fashion show was actually inspired by the one of Twiggy. She is sunny, friendly and sensitive.




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