The Internet has gone mad over Anja Rubik latest appearance in an incredibly tacky music video “Chleb” (“Bread“) of a misterious artist Mister D. At first everybody thought that Polish top model has made some bad decisions, but it’s not entirely true. But let’s solve one mistery at a time – who’s Mister D?
Dorota Masłowska is a Polish writer who became very successful after publishing her book “Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną” (the book was translated into many languages, such as English – “White and Red“, French – “Polococtail Party“, Italian – “Prendi Tutto“, and many others). “Wojna…” is a brutally realisic portait of most people’s every-day experience in Polish society. It has drawn attention with it’s vulgar language and unconventional structures, however all of it can be explained by author’s creative vision. Vulgarity seems vulgar only when written and published on paper, while in fact it is the language that a young generation speaks in on a daily basis. The lack of clear structure is also a well known narrative mode in literature – a stream of conscioussness. It’s purpose is to render multiple thoughts that appear in one’s mind simultaneously, which is quite accurate since the process of thinking is rather not sequential…
Now the latest project of Dorota Masłowska is a music album “Społeczeństwo jest niemiłe” (“The Society Isn’t Very Nice“), featuring the song that you can listen to below. The song is supposed to show all the improper processes occuring in Polish society. Anja Rubik’s comment on a song and the music video was: “I think it’s a piece of great job. Perhaps people will percieve some things differently from now on and gain some distance to themselves“. The model was contacted by Dorota Masłowska after she heard that in one of Rubik’s interview she mentioned how much she values the young writer and her incredible talent. What do you think about Anja Rubik suppoerting such initiative?