


Ludovic Baron’s art photography combines drama, excellent graphic skills and beautiful compositions. It is an honour to be able to interview this young creative genius and share his views and latest works.  After speaking to him through this interviewing process he has such a creative and innovative mind that produces beautiful photographic art.

Watch this space because he is incredibly ambitious and am very excited to see his next projects!

How did you start in photography?

I had been making flyers for years when one day a singer contacted me to make the cover of his album.

That’s how it got started for me. I had never done anything in photography so I discovered the studio the day we were shooting. I worked with my instinct without any specific knowledge of the material. I then re-arranged the pictures through my graphic world and the result was very interesting. People asked me more and more to work for them. At the same time I was working on photos that were more personal, like paintings. I finally found a way to match my ideas with the art of photography. I’m also fond of directing (I have made some video clips and short movies).

I get so much pleasure from staging my models. It gives a real cinematographic dimension to my work.

Today I have the opportunity to work with French stars and I have the chance to dispaly my paintings in fantastic places all over the world. I do not regret having said to the singer that I was a photographer back in the days though I had never touched a camera. Putting yourself forward can be very rewarding.


In an article on yourself it is said that you use ‘Modern Myths’ and ‘Certain Truths’ on people to inspire your projects. How would you define them?

 Let’s say that in some of my works I try to highlight the personality of the model through elements of the image. I therefore try to get to know the person, ask him/her questions about her or himself before suggesting an idea. Only the model knows the signification of these elements. A mysterious dimension is there for the viewer to grasp.

For modern myths, it is rather a way for me to say that I modernize the myths. I do my own interpretations, I revisit history. It is a way for me to grab the myth and make it mine according to my imagination (for example my painting “Eve and her suitors”)

Who are the people you worked with that you remember the most? And why?

 I have worked with big creators and lots of French celebrities. I think that the collaboration that I remember the most is with the Italian actress Alessandra Martines, a very touching and elegant woman. I photographed her for a big promotional painting for a big tv show in France, “The Best”. It was broadcast on the biggest French channel “TF1 “. Her Italian side and her French classy ways really seduced me. She has a presence that catches the eye and I loved shooting her. I hope that I will work with her again soon.

I also remember the shooting with Pascal Negre, the president of Universal Music Europe. A nice, smily and funny man who ended up giving me precious pieces of advice. I loved putting him into the light for his new media pictures.

What is a typical day?

I never have the same routine so I’m going to tell you about what I do to keep myself busy during the day.

I like to take the time to prepare a photo shooting: first I sketch my painting then I make a casting call. I also think of the best team to support me in the project I want to develop.

In the shooting studio I make sure that everybody keeps a good memory of the collaboration. I do my best to run things smoothly.

On the day of the exhibition it is the moment for me to put on a smoking jacket and to talk to the journalists or whoever about my work. I also travel a lot to make pictures for my projects. I work a lot on my computer to piece together my images and the rest of the time I’m here and  there for my professionnal appointments (news collaborations among other stuff). Sometimes when I want to escape a little I go to the mountain, far away from everything, to write.

What are your other passions?

Art, designing, cinema, fashion… Everything and anything that is linked to creativity really…

Who are your fashion inspirations?

Here are some of the fashion houses that fascinate me : Versace, Jean Paul Gaultier, Chanel, Balmain, Franck Sorbier and Elie Saad.

What future projects are you working on?

 I have had the chance to get an authorisation that enables me to prepare a very ambitious exhibition with 28 new paintings in a historical spot in Paris.

I have already said too much about it because I need more than one year to get ready for the project.

Alongside this very big challenge, there is Le Petit Palais in Paris, the Sparta gallery in Los Angeles, l’Hotel de Paris in Monaco, I’m preparing the exhibitions with the Madart Gallery at l’Espace Pierre Cardin, le Palais Brongniart and for Unicef le Théâtre du Chatelet. For the follow up of my work you can check on my website the updates on LudovicBaron.fr

What is your ultimate goal?

I have always been interested in motion pictures. If i have the opportunity to get a growing visibility as an artist, it is highly possible that I’ll suggest a big project of movie one day. This movie would have an image as rich as my photos and would be at the service of one of my scripts. In this way, I would entertain a lot of people thanks to my visual imagination and the stories I would like to tell. When I watch a movie I like when emotions are at stake, when there is an intelligent message and spectacular images. I may be aiming at something big but I was told one day that one must have dreams that are big enough not to lose track of them.

Itw  translated by Yazeed Himeur


 Tableau BATAILLE CONTRE UN SERPENT - photographe graphiste Ludovic Baron 2013 - WEB


lud4Tableau l'homme de l'ombre par Ludovic Baron 2014 (web)tableau Danse à l'opéra par Ludovic Baron (web) Tableau Eve et ses courtisans - Photographe Ludovic Baron 2013 (c) WEB Tableau King and Queen - art-photographie par Ludovic Baron (H) LS WEB

Tableau Le radeau de la richesse perdue par Ludovic Baron web

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