Hi Valeria, your brand is amazing, very elegant and feminine.
to our MESS Community. How did you come up with an idea to start your own brand?
Hi! Thank you for having me! Its my pleasure to be part of Mess Community!
Nowadays more and more women stand up for themselves and start initiatives in business and politics. Back in the day, were you scared when you started your own venture? Did anyone tell you to give up before even starting?
I always loved to sew and design clothes, obsessed with fashion since I was a little girl- I loved to play with dresses that were my mother’s and grandmother’s and loved to watch my grandmother sew. I was about 5 when I sewed my first skirt, with huge buttons that I cut off from grandmother’s new coat- of course i was punished for that! But that’s how it all started a lot of experiments and damaged fabrics…I also had an interest with many books about tailoring, technology and the history of costume from the 15th century to the present day. Crochet came into my life unexpectedly and I fell in love with it, my first collection of dresses in 2015 was only crocheted dresses.
Later on I decided to create dresses where crochet and sewing techniques are mixed. My new collection has a lot of such dresses. I hope everyone will like it, it will be present soon.
About giving up… I hear this all the time! People will always talk and try to make you doubt yourself, I love my work, I love my dresses, each one of them is have part of my soul.. they make me,Me!

What does Valeria Asad brand stand for?
It’s all about love ! Love yourself and the world around you! Femininity and style. We are all so wired in a routine that sometimes we forget that we are gentle women created for love. And I wanna remind how beautiful a woman wearing a dress is!
Who or what inspired you to start the brand?
We are all growing and each period of life is beautiful in its own way. I know I want to do more, my moment came and I decided that I was ready to share my work with everyone!
What do you love the most about creating fashion gowns?
I love everything! from the beginning to the end but my favourite moment is shooting – when you see the finished result on the model it is very inspiring!
How does she look? What does she like? How old is she? Do you have a specific image in mind about your ideal client or you create gowns for everyone?
My women is women of every age and status! Women who’s love to be elegant and unique in every day of her life.

Who would you love to dress? Any fashion icons?
Cate Blanchett ! If I ever get to dress her , I will be honoured. Cate Blanchett is rare beauty- I love her!
Sustainability is a huge trend right now. Do you support sustainability yourself?
From a nature perspective, sustainable fashion is an oxymoron. Fashion is a history of creation that repeats itself at regular intervals; sustainability is a story of minimisation, optimisation and rationalisation. It is difficult to adhere to environmental standards at all stages of the life cycle. I am happy that now there are many programs working on this process. We must all care about the future of our planet.
As for me personally I have a small production, I use in my collections natural fabrics dyed with natural dyes that do not cause allergies I also do not use leather and animal fur.
Who is your fashion designer hero?
Coco Chanel.

Valeria Asad brand style in 3 words is…
Simplicity, sophistication and elegance.
What’s your plan for the brand in the next 5 years?
Loads and loads of work, many fashion shows, Europe’s market ,maybe America! (who’s knows) The greatest things happen unexpectedly!
Valeryia As’ad @valeryia_asad