

I was born in Ukraine in a little south town and I have never been abroad.
My dream is to have a journey around the world. Moreover I am a person who likes to move all time. Therefore for me it is important to grow up in all spheres . Three years were spent studying as a  hairdresser, but I do not work in any speciality. Nevertheless this skill is useful in my work. Fashion has interested me since my childhood. I always prefer interesting and unusual clothing. In process of time my style was being improved, I hope so.
How would you describe your style in 3 words?
Grunge, Edgy, Vintage
Who are you?
I am a fashion photographer and I love my work.Therefore all my forces are directed to self-improvement.
When I make my own shooting I work both as a photographer and as a stylist, makeup artist and hairstylist. For me collecting the whole attire [for a photoshoot] is one of my favorite kinds of activity.
How or why did you start blogging?
My Friend inspired me to create my own blog and lookbook page in 2010. That time it was something new for me. I could not even think that it will turn into something bigger. I just love to share my outfits with people. Until that time I did not take it seriously and my blog was not updated often. Honestly speaking just last year I understood that it is important and interesting for me.
Who or what inspires you? And your style?
Inspiration has a great value in my life. Without it I can not do anything. Actually Inspiration surrounds us everywhere. It can be found even in the most insignificant and unattractive things. I think it can be a random passerby, beautiful light on the wall, books or nature .I guess I am able to find inspiration in anything and turn it into something significant.
What has been your best past projects/collaborations?
In my opinion all my projects and partnerships I had were not seriously enough . I had  several  shootings for a magazine, lookbooks for designers, a lot of shooting with gorgeous models for fashion agencies and I used to work as  photographer on “Ukrainian Fashion Week”. At the end of 2014 I held a master-class about my work.
This year I also had good collaborations with online shops and sponsorship. I hightly appriciate all above mentioned  because I got much needed experience from these events. I hope in the future this will be useful for my self-improvement.
Any exciting future projects?
This year I decided to evolve precipitously not only in photographing but also in blogging. I would like to make great photoshoots, events and so on.
I defend animals and a fashion shoot has been planned for a charity campaign dedicated to solving the problem of cruelty to animals. There will be collecting money for an animal shelter. I will do this with a nice team of photographers, poets, musicians, painters and others.
Check out the rest of her style here. 
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