Last month Rosie Huntington-Whiteley followed in the footsteps of fellow super model Gisele, by revealing her daily diet. In other words, we learnt what it is she actually eats (or more to the point, what she doesn’t) in order to maintain a body worthy of countless campaigns and runways. Crediting Nigma Talib and her book Younger Skin Starts in the Gut, Rosie swears by a diet free from dairy, gluten, sugar and alcohol to not only help maintain her physique but to improve her overall health, saying “I feel strong and energised.”
The news that Rosie swerves the desserts at a dinner party should come as no surprise because let’s face it; you don’t need to be a nutritional coach to know that a body like Rosie’s isn’t gained by indulging in calories. Whilst seemingly not as restrictive as Gisele’s diet (whose chef revealed she eats “80% vegetables” whilst avoiding caffeine, dairy, white sugar and flour and even olive oil) Rosie’s revelation still courted the same reaction from the media and public alike, who all cried “WHERE IS THE FUN?”
And whilst the sugar seeking, chocolate craving part of me agrees, I have to admit I’ve been surprisingly moved by the simplicity of this new model diet. Not only does it dispel the notion that all models survive on ciggies and coffee alone (hurrah!), but it re-evaluates the importance of food.
After all food is fuel for our bodies. Protein is needed to build and repair muscles whilst healthy fats are used to provide energy and absorb vitamins. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose, and vitamins are used to aid growth and digestion. Quite simply, we need a balanced diet full of good, wholesome food to ensure our bodies perform at their very best.
So just when exactly, did our taste buds get to call the shots? When did we start making decisions based on flavour instead of nutritional merit? And who the hell decided that food should become synonymous with fun?
Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t think twice about ordering a freakshake from Patissez, but nevertheless Rosie and Gisele are ultimately onto something. By prioritising what our bodies need over what our bodies want, we can nourish and reward ourselves in better ways than indulgence or excess. And if that body boosting meal tastes great, well that’s just a bonus. If not, then down that shot of kale quicker than you can hit the snooze button on a Monday morning, and remind yourself that your body will eternally grateful.
So the next time you’re tempted to raise an eyebrow at the thought of a ‘fun-free’ diet, think again. What is the food on your plate really designed to do? Oh and FYI, 80-90% of what we perceive as taste is actually attributed to our sense of smell so maybe that bar of sea salt chocolate isn’t as delicious as you think it is… (Yeah, I’m not totally convinced either)