
Manuela Nora Medic

Zino Haro talks Uni-ke and digital fashion

Zino Haro is the CEO of Uni-ke, a start-up that stands out with its commitment to providing young creatives with complicated backgrounds and helping them to leave their mark in the industry. Moreover, Zino is also a talented fashion designer and musician who is always ready for new challenges. Her OneRise project under World Economic Forum is changing the lives of many ‘immigrants and first-generation start-up founders’.
We sat down with this creative visionary to discuss Uni-ke and digital fashion.

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Manuela Nora Medic

Rutger Bruining: StoryTerrace Q&A

Rutger Bruining started StoryTerrace, a company that puts people’s life experiences into books, after quitting his job in 2013. Inspired by his passion for history and storytelling, he captured many wonderful stories, achievements and adventures that might have otherwise gone lost. We sat down with Rutger and got a glimpse into the world beyond written biographies and his collaboration with 8i, one of the top virtual reality companies.

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Manuela Nora Medic

Beata Wilczek: Digital Fashion Q&A

If the future of fashion is digital, sustainable, and diverse, then Beata Wilczek is leading the way. The Polish-born educator is the mastermind behind Unfolding Strategies, a Berlin-based fashion consultancy and education lab specializing in digital culture, tech and sustainability. She has recently joined The Dematerialised, a fashion NFT marketplace, as a Head of Digital Sustainability and Social Impact. Here, she sits down with Mess magazine to answer everything we want to know about the metaverse and digital fashion ethics.

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Bethany Chandler

The Highlights of Copenhagen Fashion Week 2021

Copenhagen Fashion Week 2021 launched on Tuesday 10th August with a huge lineup of incredible brands, collections and, important messages. CPFW is Denmark’s answer to haute couture, high quality fashion; demonstrating a fusion of eclectic creativity and sustainability all at its core.

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Bethany Chandler

Sitting Down With Dirty Feet Theatre: The Sustainable Theatre Brand

Dirty Feet Theatre co. is a homegrown, London-based, company who strive to tackle issues of sustainability via their theatre productions. The company was founded by Royal Holloway, University of London graduates Esme Pearson-Brown and Anna Robinson who are passionate in their creative response to the climate crisis. We sat down with the founders to discuss all things sustainable and their hopes for the future of their creative pursuits.

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Bethany Chandler

The Art of The Virtual Human

Often the thought of digitalised, heavily filtered, reality-altered figures can lend way to a discussion on self-imaging issues and body dysmorphic tendencies. After all, we live in a world dictated by the likes of Instagram where Photoshop and beauty filters are rife. Surely encouraging another, heightened, level of digital humanisation will only further this issue? Perhaps, this argument is too simplistic.

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Be Featured

The First Metaverse Runway Collections

“Creating a virtual fashion show in the IMVU metaverse was the perfect escape from the harsh reality that I was experiencing in the real world,” said Rio Uribe the creative head of Gypsy Sport.

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Bethany Chandler

Greenwashing: The Capitalisation of the Climate Emergency

Within recent years, the demand for environmentally-friendly products has grown considerably. Research has shown that a majority of consumers are willing to pay extra for products that they know to be ecological. Unfortunately, many corporations have viewed this rise in environmental awareness as a marketing opportunity; enter ‘greenwashing’.

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Bethany Chandler

Feminist Clothing Brands to Support in 2021

Often fashion brands are geared towards attracting a female-based clientele, yet few of these companies actually hold women and feminism as a core value. It’s about time we had companies both representing and supporting the feminist movement. We have compiled a list of brands who are really stepping up and doing their bit to promote gender equality and feminism throughout their work.

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Fashion Weeks
Bethany Chandler

South Korea, The Rising Fashion Capital

Seoul, South Korea is fast becoming a fashion hotspot. The pandemic has sparked a transition towards an ‘untact’ society; a Korean term to describe reducing contact as much as possible, wherever possible. In combination with its rapid consumerism culture, its unique ability to adapt, and an ever-evolving fashion industry; Seoul is booming.

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Bethany Chandler

Digital Fashion: A New Direction for Fashion?

Digital technology is sweeping the current fashion scene. This new-wave technology is making huge advancements, making use of 3D technology and pixelated imagery. It’s a software that allows you to wear varying amounts of different clothing without ever, actually, wearing them. It’s downloaded.

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Bethany Chandler

Veganism Could Save the Planet, But is it Realistic?

Veganism is a hot topic right now. With ‘Veganuary’, and an ever-increasing array of animal-free products becoming available in shops and restaurants across the world; it is fast becoming an accessible, sustainable diet. How truly accessible is it though?

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Be Featured
Bethany Chandler

Eco-Anxiety: The Psychological Impact of Climate Change

It’s a common phenomenon now, particularly when the news bombards us with soul-crushing statistics and images of the climate emergency. That helpless feeling of wanting help change the world for the better, yet having no idea where to even start.

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Bethany Chandler

Impostor Syndrome: The Fear of Being Inadequate

If you’ve ever started a new job, club, or met a new group of people you can probably relate to that sense of feeling out of place. That out-of-body experience of being painfully aware of everything you do or say in a certain situation. But why does this happen? Does everyone experience this?

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Lillian Race


Interview with the incredible women behind the sustainable period company,

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